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Sortable List of all Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Poems in our Database containing the term: "Ultima Thule"
Poem Titleand First Line | First Line | Publication Name | Publication Year |
Bayard Taylor Dead he lay among his books! | Dead he lay among his books! | Ultima Thule | 1880 |
Burial of the Poet, The Richard Henry Dana | Richard Henry Dana | Ultima Thule (Sonnets) | 1880 |
Chamber Over the Gate, The Is it so far from thee | Is it so far from thee | Ultima Thule (Poems) | 1880 |
Dedication; To G.W.G. With favoring winds, o'er sunlit seas, | With favoring winds, o'er sunlit seas, | Ultima Thule | 1880 |
Elegiac Dark is the morning with mist; in the narrow mouth of the harbor | Dark is the morning with mist; in the narrow mouth of the harbor | Ultima Thule (Poems) | 1880 |
From my Arm-Chair Am I a king, that I should call my own | Am I a king, that I should call my own | Ultima Thule (Poems) | 1880 |
Helen of Tyre What phantom is this that appears | What phantom is this that appears | Ultima Thule (Poems) | 1880 |
Iron Pen, The I thought this Pen would arise | I thought this Pen would arise | Ultima Thule (Poems) | 1880 |
Jugurtha How cold are thy baths, Apollo! | How cold are thy baths, Apollo! | Ultima Thule (Poems) | 1880 |
Maiden and Weathercock MAIDEN. | MAIDEN. | Ultima Thule (Folk-Songs) | 1880 |
My Cathedral Like two cathedral towers these stately pines | Like two cathedral towers these stately pines | Ultima Thule (Sonnets) | 1880 |
Night Into the darkness and the hush of night | Into the darkness and the hush of night | Ultima Thule (Sonnets) | 1880 |
Old St. David's at Radnor What an image of peace and rest | What an image of peace and rest | Ultima Thule (Poems) | 1880 |
Poet and His Songs, The As the birds come in the Spring, | As the birds come in the Spring, | Ultima Thule (L'Envoi) | 1880 |
Robert Burns I see amid the fields of Ayr | I see amid the fields of Ayr | Ultima Thule (Poems) | 1880 |
Sifting of Peter, The In St. Luke's Gospel we are told | In St. Luke's Gospel we are told | Ultima Thule (Folk-Songs) | 1880 |
Tide Rises, the Tide Falls, The The tide rises, the tide falls, | The tide rises, the tide falls, | Ultima Thule (Folk-Songs) | 1880 |
Windmill, The Behold! a giant am I! | Behold! a giant am I! | Ultima Thule (Folk-Songs) | 1880 |